Monday, September 7, 2015

This Song Will Save Your LIfe by Leila Sales- Delilah

Delilah Bellamy
Summer Homework
September 1, 2015

       At the beginning of summer vacation, I got stocked up on books. One of my many findings was "This Song Will Save Your Life" by Leila Sales. Elise Dembowski goes to a typical and cliche high-school. The "cool" people have their separate little "cool" groups and the "un-cool" people have their other little groups. There's everything in between as well. And then, there's Elise. She's the un-coolest of the un-cool, the one that even in Kindergarten was un-cool because she came to school every day with her oversized red sweater with tufts of yarn everywhere. In Kindergarten, everyone's supposed to be friend's with everyone. But as she would put it, Elise Dembowski was born to be unpopular. So the summer after Freshman year, she decides to do something about it. And so the readers join her on her mission to become cool. Over the summer she listens to all the new music that everyone listened to, goes shopping for the stylish clothes, hoping to finally make some close friends. This fails drastically. Soon though, Elise wanders upon a secret underground club where she meets three new friends. Most importantly, she learns about her newfound love for DJing. Seems like Elise Dembowski is finally figuring out where she belongs.
       Elise's story really seems similar to some teenagers today. At first her thoughts toward herself are really negative but eventually she learns that everyone has a place that you can really be you. Elise also discovers all kinds of new things about herself including possible love and that it is in fact plausible that people may be able to appreciate her and her talent. I find it interesting that Elise would have never even thought to be a DJ if she hadn't found the club. While taking over for a little while when the real DJ was doing something, it allowed her to open a whole new window. "This Song Will Save Your Life" is a very inspiring book that high school students, especially if they feel alone, would enjoy and learn something from. 

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