Sunday, September 6, 2015

Flying Solo by Ralph Fletcher

Samaiya Bailey

        "Flying Solo" is about a 6th grade class, that is left unsupervised when their teacher, Mr.Fabiano is absent and the substitute for the class never showed up. The whole class, Rachel, Bastian,  Jessica, Sean, and the rest of class 6-238 wanted to prove that they can run the class themselves and not letting any teacher know that they are teacher-less for a day. 
                 Throughout the day, they did everything but classwork. Some of them knew it was a bad idea but most of them thought it would be fine as long as know one knew. During lunch, they told some of their friends, they thought it was a bad idea too. When they got back to class it was Math class, still doing nothing and playing around, and some were reading. After that, they wanted to say some words about Bastian, since he was moving to Hawii. It was sad for the other students to see him go away and then thought about next year, they weren't going to see him.
         After that they went to their assembly in the auditorium and the teachers and staff waited for them to calm down,one of the teachers were wondering were class 6-238 teacher. The teacher asked Karen, one of the students in Mr.Fabiano's class. She was hesitating and didn't know what to say, she had no choice, but to say it. Every teacher was surprised in the auditorium. Soon Mr.Fabiano found out what happened and the students parents did too. I would recommend this book to any student (s) that find themselves in this similar situation in any grade.


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