Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Everyday by David Levithan- Delilah

Delilah Bellamy
Summer Homework
September 1, 2015

       "Everyday" by David Levithan is a book that literally goes through each day of the main character, A's life. For a person that doesn't have a designated life to begin with, you would think the story line would be a bit more complicated then others. Even though A seems to the readers as just a human mind that grows as we grow, thinks as we think yet doesn't actually have a body to stay in, he or she is just as collected as us. For as long as A has lived, everyday he/she takes place in someone else's body. It could be a boy, could be a girl. She could live in a huge mansion or he could live in a small cramped apartment building with 6 other siblings. The body is always the same age as A. A is used to it. He/she has never been in the same body more then once, so it's never a problem to play someones life for a day and then move on the next morning, without creating any drama. But one day, while he's in a guys body, he falls in love with a girl. Yes, this is a love story, but a very peculiar one. The guy who's body A is in is pretty much a jerk who treats his girlfriend, the one A has fallen in love with, horribly. A becomes obsessed with finding ways to see her in every other body. Soon his/her secret is revealed to more then one questioning sources, meaningful or not. A starts to question why his/her's life couldn't just be normal, in this case normal meaning to have a steady life. At times that is what we all desire, just in a different way.
       "Everyday" reminds me of the book "Switch" by Carol snow because they both have to do with body switching. In "Switch," however, the main character Claire has a body and only switches out occasionally until one day, she gets stuck. Both authors used a similar idea to hook us as the readers in but then branched off in different directions. Each chapter in "Everyday" is a different day which makes us always want to know what will happen next. Levithan was able to capture a high schoolers life well but at the same time put a bit of a luring twist on it. I recommend this book to anyone that thinks outside the box. "Everyday" is a thought provoking novel that people who devour stories with edge to them will enjoy.

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