Thursday, September 3, 2015

Luca Swan Zogrotzki

The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore

          "The Revenge of Seven" is  great science fiction story about alien refugees from planet Lorien. John, one of the book's main alien characters and his friends ( Some aliens, some human) are working to fight back against an evil alien race named Mogadorians and They're evil leader, Setrakus Ra. Not all Mogs are bad though. Adam, a Mogadorian friend to the Loric ( The people of Lorien) is also here to fight the alien invasion and keep Earth safe against his own kind. When the Nine Loric were sent down as small children they have spent the rest of their lives so far surviving and fighting to free their home planet and Earth which rests in their hands. They must save Earth or everyone will die. One of the most important parts of the plot is when they find their alien sanctuary. The second is when the humans realize Mogadorians are not a species to appreciate. Third is when the FBI decides to help in the fight for earth.
          This book teaches a major life lesson because it show how if you want or need something really bad, do something about it. You should never stop trying to achieve a goal. This book shows an                        example of this when they never stop trying to save Earth even if it does seem almost impossible. I would recommend this to anyone that likes to read because it has an awesome plot line with lots of action. The only thing is you have to read the previous books in order to understand. Otherwise, if you have read previous books in the series it i just as good as the others and it is a great read.

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