Saturday, September 5, 2015

Matched by Ally Condie (Gabriel H.)

                           I read Matched by Ally Condie, the first book in a trilogy. This book is about how a girl Cassia lives in a dystopian world in the future made to look utopian, but no one makes their own choices or creates anything. Cassia wants to choose between two boys to marry, but she can only have one, she also wants to write poetry she can keep which is prohibited. She and a rule breaker named Ky slowly fight against it, and Cassia begins to realize the dark side of her society.
                           This book reminds me of a repetitive sort of genre about realizing the dystopian parts of a country or society, except they add a love story twist. The books that come to mind are Hunger Games because they also divide the society into different parts and their evil side is placing people in to a killing game. The Divergent series because they also divide a nation in to different people and their evil side is they don't want anybody who is independent and not in a group. The Giver because the government also doesn't want people to know much about the past, and their evil side is how they don't want people to feel any emotions ever.  There are so many more examples I could name, it's a constant theme.
                           I recommend this book to lovers of dystopian novels, love stories, wanting a big series that will last you a few months, or you just feel like reading a book I recommend because I'm a genius, read this one. :)

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