Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Fault in Our Stars


Deanna Lansiquot    Summer Reading

                The Fault In Our Stars is about a girl named Hazel who is a lung cancer survivor who goes to a support group from feeling depressed and meets a boy who one day went to the Support Group because of his friend Isaac who was there, and his name is Augustus. They met and after a few "dates", phone calls, and visits to each other's houses, finally figured each other out. So Hazel introduces a book to Augustus called an Imperial Affliction and this book had no ending and leaves the reader, Hazel, curious. Anyways, she sent e-mails to get answers about the book and would do anything to find out what happens next in the book but never could get to him, and thanks to Augustus, that finally changes. He asked the "genies" aka the people who grant your death wishes, to go to Amsterdam and the genies just happened to grant his wish. So he figures it wouldn't make sense to get answers from the author of the the book Hazel introduced him to, without the actually person who introduced him to the book herself. So after a few confirmations Hazel was able to go, and from there it was history. Hazel Grace and Augustus fell in love and there were ups and downs throughout but they always stayed strong!

             This book is similar to The Running Dream, in the way that both Hazel and Jessica think they are going to loose their life but both have a Destiny and is willing to fulfill it. Hazel wanted to meet the author and get answers to what happened in her favorite book, but she has lung cancer and has to carry stuff around her and being on a plane can be a big risk for her lungs and breathing, and Jessica wants to run but, she got in a car accident and needs crutches and a prosthetic leg.

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