Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Rex Rubin

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Ready Player One is a science fiction story that takes place in the year 2045. The planet Earth is very different than it is today. Overpopulation, Financial crisis, and lack of energy resources are just a few problems in 2045. To escape this harsh reality Eighteen year old Wade Watts and millions of others live in a virtual world. Playing, going to school and exploring the millions of virtual worlds of a video game known as The OASIS. Created by eccentric billionaire James Halliday The OASIS quickly went from a source of entertainment to a massive worldwide hunt when Halliday revealed the existence of a scavenger hunt with a grand prize worth billions. Without any money to travel with Wade or “Parzavil” is the least likely person to find the first clue. After following the clues Parzavil quickly notices that he has other problems, The Sixers are a group who emerge from internet provider, IOI whose goal has always been to buy the OASIS. Halliday would never sell but with his death came with the knowledge that the winner would inherit control of The OASIS. The Sixers only priority is to win the prize no matter what the cost. They will go so far as to imprison or even kill a competitor in real life.
Ready Player One is definitely fictional, for now. WIth advancements in virtual reality technology that is growing everyday, an OASIS like game is totally possible. Also with humanity taking its toll on the Earth a post apocalyptic planet may be inevitable unless we alter our current path. In a few decades what's to stop this from happening? I recommend this book to people who are interested in thinking about a ruined world and the advancements in technology. People who enjoy sci-fi will love this book.

This is a great book for sci-fi lovers, and those who enjoy futuristic drama and post apocalyptic settings. I highly recommend Ready Player One.

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