Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The fault in our stars

The fault in our stars is a book about love and death. The main characters Hazel and Augustus are both cancer survivors. The book explains how these two meet and how their relationship with each other grows stronger. As the book continues it talks about how Hazel read a book and their was never a second one so she wnted to speak to the author of the book to see if he could tell her what happens to the main character's mother in that book. It took a while for  Augustus to take charge and take Hazel on a date. On that date Agustus explained to Hazel that he bought plane tickets for her, her mother, and him to go to Amsterdame and meet the author of the she had questions about. They were in Amsterdame for about a week. while they were there they were treated to a dinner. The second day of their visit they went to go see the author. While Hazel was at the authors house she got none of her questions answered because she was to busy arguing with the author because he turned out to be a real jerk. So then they went to some historic site to see the house of one of Amsterdames most famouse house. When they left from Amsterdame Augustus began to get sick so sick that he needed surgery on his stomach and neede a wheeelchair. About a week after the surgery Augustus was in the hospital again but this time he had died in his sleep. This is when Hazel had no heart because who she thought was the one for her was now in a better placethan were she was.   

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