Monday, September 7, 2015

Lunch Money by Andrew Clements

Samaiya Bailey

           Another book I read this summer is "Lunch Money".  It's about a boy named Greg Kenton who loved money and had an obsession with making it. His mom would give him an allowance every Friday for doing his chores, and he also earned  a little more than $2 to do his older brothers' chores when they didn't do them or just being plain old. When he was 7 or 8 years old, Greg thought of other ways to make money by shining his dad's and mom's dress shoes. He earned an extra fifty cents every time he did that.
          One day he decided on another way to make money. A lemonade stand. He looked across the street and saw his neighbor Maura doing the same thing. He was furious, so he marched across the street and told her he thought she was copying his idea. Maura decided to find a different way to make money besides the lemonade stand and Greg thought the same. The next day he saw Maura selling pot holders, but Greg had a better idea than that. He decided to sell comic books since he loved reading them so much and figured other kids would enjoy reading them as much as he did. 
             Eventually, Greg and Maura partnered up and started a business called the Chunky Comics Club since they both enjoyed writing and illustrating comic books of their own. They even held after school workshops about how to make minicomics and mini-picture books. Greg and Maura did so well that they made $923.38 in sales by the end of the school year and were able to make a $1,421 donation to their Intermediate school library.Even though it started out as Greg just wanting to find new ways to make money for himself, he could not believe how good it made him feel to give that money away. I would recommend this book to my younger sister because it was a good lesson that teamwork makes a dream work. What began as I competition between two friends turned into a successful partnership. I think that if my sister and I were to team up with an awesome idea like Greg and Maura's it would be amazing.

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