Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Armada by Ernest Cline

Rex Rubin

Armada by Ernest Cline

This summer I read Armada by Ernest Cline. This book is about a regular boy who ends up in an alien invasion. It is also about a boy coping with his father's death. Zach Lightman wished the world would be more exciting. One day in school he spots a spaceship, just like the one in his favorite video game. The next day he spots another spaceship. This time he sees his boss from work in the ship. He learns that all of his video games were made to prepare society for an alien invasion. He  realises that the aliens have oddly let humans destroy their drones. Zach begins to think that it is all a test. Things are not as they seem, even Zach’s father is not really dead. Zach intervenes and stops a human weapon that supposedly would have been humanity's last chance to survive. Instead of the end of the earth the aliens stopped attacking. Eventually Earth was made a part of a peaceful society of other species.  

I think this book connects to the real world to show violence is not always the answer. If you have the chance to use violence or reason choose reason. This book is great for any sci-fi reader or anyone who doesn't enjoy the typical alien invasion. people who want their sci-fi to have a bigger meaning than just a war with aliens. This book is great because it goes much deeper than a typical sci-fi and addresses issues of human nature. and xeno phopia

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