Tuesday, September 8, 2015

If I Were You by Leslie Margolis

Frances Hurtado
September 8th, 2015

       This summer I read If I Were You by Leslie Margolis.  This book is about two best friends, Katie and Melody who both envy each other's lives.  So on the last day of the summer, on the way to the beach they both wished for the same thing at the exact same time, to start the summer over as each other. And that is exactly what happened.  At first, they really enjoy living as each other, in what they considered their ideal life.  But as the summer progresses, they realize they are happier as themselves.  Katie is lonely sitting in an empty house, and Melody is tired of having no time to herself.
       I think a lot of people can relate to this book.  Sometimes people wish that they could live someone else's life because to them, it looks perfect.  One thing I have learned from this book is that in reality, no one's life is perfect, and you shouldn't assume that it is because of how it appears.  This is a perfect book summer fun book, and I recommend this book for those who like very fictional, cheesy types of books.

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