Saturday, August 1, 2015

W.C Mack, Mathlete V.S Athlete

Owen and Russel are two very different twins. Owen loves basketball, and Russel loves math.
Then the new basketball coach recruits Russel for the team, even though he never played basketball! But Russel finds out he is a great player, and both twins make the team. But Owen finds himself not the star of the team anymore, and decides to not use teamwork, just so he can be the flashy star. Owns teamates get mad at him, and then when he does teamwork with his twin, the team gets really good.

I feel that this book connects to me very well, because I play basketball. Just like the twins in this book, and I like books I can relate to.

I would recommend this book to someone who is a athlete or a mathlete because people like books they can relate to. I would also reccomend this book to anyone because it was a fun story to read, and it had a lot of exitment in it.

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