Monday, August 17, 2015

The Fallen By Charlie Higson

This summer I read a book called, "The Fallen" by Charlie Higson. In this book there are many kids scattered around London after a zombie apocalypse has striked, and only kids under sixteen years of age will not catch the disease. This book is all about kids fighting to survive when almost everyone they've ever known has died. It is a really interesting book that has a lot of action. There is no main character, as it focuses on different groups of kids throughout the book. The kids make large groups so they all stand a chance against the "Zombies" they are fighting.

A connection I have to this book is "The Walking Dead", there is also a zombie apocalypse going on in that series which is very similar to what is going in "The Fallen" the only difference is that there are adults alive in "The Walking Dead." Another connection I had is that the people in the book are all around my age, so it is easy for me to follow along with the book in that sense. I recommend this book to people who like adventures, and to people who enjoy zombie apocalypses.

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