Sunday, August 30, 2015

Charlie Joe Jacksons Guide To Making Money.

           Charlie Joe Jackson loves money, but dosent have enough. So he desides to get a job. Turns out, Charlie Joe Jackson hates to work. Charlie Joe Jackson needs to find a job he can make money for somthing he wants to do. So he decides to make a dog walking buissness. Turns out, that didint go so well when the dogs went crazy and they got super dirty and then one of the dogs catches a gopher!

             Charlie Joe Jackson needs a different job, but he cant decide on one. All through Charlie Joe Jacksons freinds bar mitzvah, he thinks about what he wants to do for a job. Then, the next day he was with his freind and Charlie Joe Jackson decided he could make money by holding a bar mitzvah. But there was one problem, he wasint Jewish, so he decided to use a Ethiopian cerimony when a boy jmps over a cow he becomes a man, but Charlie Joe Jackson didint have a cow, so he had to jump over his dog.

              But then everything went crazy at the party. When Charlie Joe Jackson was about to jump the dog, the power went out! So everyone had to go downstairs to the basement and find the switch for the power on the fuse box, but Charlie Joe Jacksons dad had terrible handwriting, and they couldent find the switch. They all tried flipping everything, but the power wouldent come on!  Then the last switch they tried, the power came on! Everything was good, until they went back in the backyard, and turned out that they turned everything on. The sprinkiler system, the lights, the security system, Everything.

               The party went crazy, and everyone was wild and destroying things. But guess what happend? Charlie Joe Jacksons mm and dad came home! and they sent everyone home. Then Charlie Joe Jackson and his sister were grounded. And then all Charlie Joe Jacksons money was taken away.

                                                                   THE END

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