Monday, August 31, 2015

Luca Swan Zogrotzki

Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop

          The first book I read This summer was Surrounded by Sharks by Michael Northrop. One morning Davey Tsering wakes up in his hotel room for a tropical island island vacation with his family. That same morning he decides to leave his room without permission to have a quiet morning at the beach. Soon after his escape he decides to enter the water. The first most important part of the plot is when Davey leaves his hotel room. The second is when he decides to enter the water. Then third is when Drew Dobkins, a girl from Manchester notices Davey on the beach. This may not seem important, but trust me it is.
         This book connects to real life because it is showing you that you should use your common sense. If there is a " No Swimming" sign and you are about to swim don't do it. This book reminds me of a book called the Great Wide Sea by M.H Herlong because it is also about a kid lost at sea. I would recommend this book to realistic-fiction fans that like interesting yet simple plot lines. This book would be very interesting for people interested in this genre. It also has Mystery in it too. When Davey is lost, the people of the island use clues and hints to look for him. I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone really.

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