Sunday, August 30, 2015

Jake & Lily - Sophia

"Jake & Lily" by Jerry Spinelli  is a wonderful book about two twins who are not your every day twins. The twins (Jake and Lily) don't need to talk to communicate and every year on there birthday the mysteriously sleep walk to the train station were they where born. Jake and Lily are super close twins that do everything together but on there 12th birthday everything changes! Jake and Lily get there own rooms and while Jake finds some new friends to hang out with Lily struggles on making other friends and having a life without Jake in it. Jake and Lily become more and more distant and start loosing there special abilities, will they loose there powers for good or will they regain there powers on there birthday! I would recommend this book to someone who has a twin. I would also recommend this book to someone who likes two perspectives on a story and to someone who likes complex characters and brother and sister relationships.

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