Monday, August 17, 2015

Fangirl By Rainbow Rowell

The book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, was one of the most intriguing books I have ever read. The book grabbed me in as soon as I flipped to the first page. Fangirl is about a girl Cath, who is in college and part of a Fandom called Simon Snow. Cath spends her days typing on her Fan fiction account, to escape her daily stresses. Cath has a dad who is mentally unstable, so Cath is always worried about him especially after their mother left when Cath and her twin sister Wren were 11. Wren, Cath's twin sister who is the more extroverted one, decides to not be roommates for their Freshman year because, because she wants to break free and enjoy life. Wren also starts extremely disliking Simon Snow, and bullying Cath about her dedication to Simon Snow.  When this happens, Cath is left all alone, with only her and her roommate Regan and her ex boyfriend Levi. Wren also goes out to Frat parties every night, and drinks until she blacks out or needs Cath's help. Wren ignores Cath for 3/4 of the year.  Levi (Regan's exboyfriend) start falling in love, and life starts getting better for Cath. After a stay at the hospital for a mental breakdown, Cath's dad starts rebuilding his life. After an incident where Wren gets acohol poisoning, Wren is not allowed to drink anymore, and starts spending her days with Cath. But as the last book of Simon Snow comes out, Wren’s Fangirl side comes out. She is completely obsessed with the book and cries at the release.
I think this book would connect to people who are going through hard times, and people who are going into college. For people who are going through hard times, this book shows you about the times you are going through right now,and also that things do get better. And for people going into college, this is the life some of you are living. Going out every night, Young love and finding yourself. I would recommend this book to people who are interested in realistic fiction and love.   I loved this book.

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