Friday, August 21, 2015

Luca Swan Zogrotzki
Max by Jennifer Li Shotz
*Warning: Spoiler Alert*

              The third book I have read this summer is Max by Jennifer Li Shotz, based on a screenplay by Boaz Yakin and Sheldon Lettich. This book's main characters are Justin Wincott and Max that live in a small town called Lufkin, Texas. Justin is a fourteen year old boy that had his older brother, Kyle enlist in the military and is killed in action. Justin isn't the  only one taking the loss hard though, Max ( Kyle's Military Bomb sniffing dog) also takes it hard too. When Kyle dies, this brings Justin and Max into a close bond like Kyle and Max always had. At first the Wincott family needs to adopt Max into their family because Max could only work with Kyle and he was too aggressive with other handlers. Although Max couldn't work with other handlers it doesn't mean he couldn't work with Justin. Somehow Max felt a connection with Justin, making him able to be normal and not in his mean, aggressive state with the help of his friend, Chuy and some training from His friends's cousin Carmen, who is practically a dog whisperer. Tyler ( Justin's friend from childhood) has just been sent home like Max because he was in the firefight that killed Kyle. He fakes getting shot so he can come home.  One of the most important parts of the plot is when Max gets adopted by Justin Because without Max it it wouldn't be the same book. The second most important part is when Justin finds Tyler selling guns because it really brings action to the story, with a high action chase though a forest. The third most important part of the plot is when Tyler and his Mexican buyers kidnap Justin's dad because it is the whole reason the whole action chase starts.
            This book connects to life because it shows that some people will do almost anything for money or riches. This book shows an example of this because when the Mexican buyers and Tyler sell the guns they could both get arrested and get in a to a lot of trouble or even hurt somebody. Tyler doesn't even think about the consequences, he just focuses on keeping the deal and getting more money. I would recommend this book to realistic fiction fans because it could happen in real life, but it is unlikely. This is a great book for realistic fiction fans. It has lots of action, drama, and a nice sad and joyful story line, almost all the things a realistic fiction fan would like. Just Saying, but it also has  movie now so I think you would like the book too. Ninety precent of the time the book is better than the movie.

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