Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin

Somehow, in the first few weeks of 7th grade, Suzy Swanson managed to disapear, or at least, that's what it seemed like. Ever since she found out Franny Jackson-her only friend- had drowned a few days before school had started, it felt like her usual constant talking wasn't an option, so for the past four weeks she hasn't.
Suzy had always noticed Franny stopping to talk to people that Suzy didnt even know before sitting down, but the unthinkable had happened in 6th grade when Franny doesn't sit down next to Suzy, but with Audrey. Remembering Franny's plea not to become like Audrey back in 2nd grade, Suzy sends Franny her 'big message' for help, but it just ends in tears.
Seeking forgiveness from her dead best friend, Suzy-knowing her friend's swimming skill- comes up with a real reason for Franny drowning. With her knowledge about jellyfish and further research, she sets up a plan to visit jellyfish expert Jamie Seymour in Australia, alone. When her planned trip goes awry, she finds herself home again with her family, but an unexpected call leads to the school dance, and the book ends with unexpected friendships.
I would recommend this book to people that like informational books or books with weird characters.

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