Tuesday, August 9, 2016


                                Goblin Secrets By William Alexander

In Goblin Secrets by William Alexander, The main character, Rownie, Is a small boy with a bigger brother named Rowan. They both live in a small town called Zombay. When there Mother drowns in Zombay's Vast river, They have no choice but to live with this old lady named Graba, who has mechanical legs. She has other orphans that she calls grubs. When Rownie's brother Vanishes out of nowhere, It is up to Rownie to find out Where he vanished. Rownie suspects it's his brothers love to act, which is severely outlawed in Zombay.   

When you first look at Goblin Secrets by William Alexander, You might think Wow! This is a great book! But when you start reading it, it is like the most boring book ever. It has very little action, and is very confusing. Some of it doesn't make sense. I would not recommend this book to people who like action in books, and do not like confusing parts in books. This is definitely not the best book I have ever read.

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