Thursday, September 1, 2016

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

This summer I read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. This book is about a group of school boys who land on an unknown island after their plane has crashed, around the dawn of World War II.

The books opens with the boys meeting to discuss who will be their leader. Stranded, without any adults, fun and adventure are the only things on everyone's mind. Ralph, the main character and also the chief, feels responsible for the boys on the island and believes his father will come rescue them. He decides that keeping a fire going all the time that will alert passing ships. Jack, the antagonist, is obsessed with the ideas of hunting and violence. However, the forest accidentally burns down, a "littlun" (a younger boy) goes missing after warning the group of a so-called beast. A fight starts among the boys after a ship passes by when the fire's out. As the book goes on, the "littluns" have more and more nightmares about something in the woods and terror rises among the boys. Order falls, and the boys have to pick sides. Rescue or the hunt for the beast.

I connected to this book because it tells the lesson of the beast within us. This book also tells the story of young adults turning savage while explaining the scary side of human nature. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes horror or books with deep messages.

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