Wednesday, September 7, 2016


    One book I read this summer was called Panic by Sharon M. Draper. This book, I have been wanting to read since the fourth grade. But apparently according to my sister, I wasn't mature enough. But this summer, I was. And can I say one thing, I am sooooo glad I did not read this as a 4th grader.
     Panic, by Sharon M. Draper is about a girl named Diamond. Diamond is a ballerina. She knows she is good, but she never gets cast as a lead in her recitals. But one day in the mall, a strange handsome man gives her the opportunity of a lifetime. One she can't pass up. But this decision can take a toll on not only Diamond, but everyone around her. (Trust will)
      I recommend this book to mature people! Please! You are in for a shock!

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