Wednesday, September 7, 2016

A Mango Shaped Space

By Wendy Mass
       A Mango Shaped Space, by Wendy Mass, is about a girl named Mia who sees a life in color.   Numbers, letters, and sound each have their own color but only she knows this. As she gets older her secret is revealed and she has to choose between embracing or hiding her gift which is called synesthesia. Mango is the name of her beloved cat that helps her deal with her problems. One theme I got out of the book is that you don't realize that how amazing something is or how grateful you are until it is gone. 
       I would recommend this book to someone who likes young adult fiction with characters that come to life. This book is connected to another book, Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. They are similar because they are both about people who see the world differently. Both authors describe a character that takes something that may seem bad but ends up good in the end.

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