Monday, September 12, 2016

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, is about Hannah Baker, a teenage girl who comits suiside. Just before she dies she makes 13 audiotapes and each one is about one person who did something that lead to her comiting suicide. Before she dies she mails the tapes so they can be passed between the thirteen people the tapes are about. the story is told from the perspective of Clay Jenson, a boy who is on the tapes, as he listens to them all in one night. It's set in a suburban town where everyone goes to the same school.
            I really liked this book even though I personally think the way Hannah reacted to alot of the reasons is melo dramatic. I would suggest this book the someone who likes books by John Green like paper towns and the fualt in our stars. I would also recomend this book to people who like content heavey books with a lot characters that go in and out of the story.

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