Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kane Chronicles: The Red Piramid

This is how it began.  Carter Kane who is with his father traveling the world was stopping to see his sister Sadie Kane and grandparents in which they only see once a year. He only sees her once a year because their mother passed away and Carter stayed with his dad and Sadie stayed with her grandparent in London. Anyway Carter Julius (dad) and Sadie meet up at Christmas and go on a private tour at the British Museum to see the Egypt exhibition there they go see the actual Rosetta stone and thats when things get weird. Sadie and Carter are asked to lock the tour guide in his office and then don't come back into the room he was in. Of course they did what Julius said  but only half way. They went back into the room. From there they watched as there dad released all the Egyptian gods. In the end Carter and Sadie got to do the "wonderful" job of hosting gods, they also witnessed there dad get taken from them right before there eyes. When they got back there uncle Amos used magic to have the police deport them to the United States of America. They were sent to the Brooklyn House to train were Carter had a dream that I am not going to talk about that sends Amos to the daut were He gets captured by Set and he has to host Set. The Brooklyn house explodes and they get led to the First Nome. There the are sent to Paris to get the book of Thoth which sends them to St. Louis Missouri. Thoth tells them that they need the feather of truth and Sets secret name. They get the feather of truth and the name then in Arizona they find the red pyramid which they teleport to Washington District of Colombia. and destroy the red pyramid and truse with Set

 I  recommend this book to people who like adventure and enjoy suspence. this book has it all.

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