Monday, September 12, 2016

Twilight by stephenie meyer

Twilight is a romance novel by Stephenie Meyer about a high school age girl name Bella. The book begins when bella moves to live with her dad the fictinal town of Forks. Twilight is mainly about how Bella falls in love with Edward, who is a vampire. The book is centered their love and the danger that Bella is constantly in because Edward is a vampire.

This book is (obviously) a romance but does have some fantasy elements like vampires and werewolves. It is similar to the book Shiver which also a romance between a human girl and a mythical boy. I would suggest this book to anyone who enjoyed shiver.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, is about Hannah Baker, a teenage girl who comits suiside. Just before she dies she makes 13 audiotapes and each one is about one person who did something that lead to her comiting suicide. Before she dies she mails the tapes so they can be passed between the thirteen people the tapes are about. the story is told from the perspective of Clay Jenson, a boy who is on the tapes, as he listens to them all in one night. It's set in a suburban town where everyone goes to the same school.
            I really liked this book even though I personally think the way Hannah reacted to alot of the reasons is melo dramatic. I would suggest this book the someone who likes books by John Green like paper towns and the fualt in our stars. I would also recomend this book to people who like content heavey books with a lot characters that go in and out of the story.

Time Travelers by Linda Buckely-Archer

Time Travelers is and action packed story of two kids that are forced to find a notorious henchmen by the name of the tar man so they can find their way back to their own time. With some help along the way Kate, Peter and an unexpected friend brave England 250 years before they were born.

Time travelers is fast paced book that is both twisty and turny, the plot never really thins back out right up to the last page.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The book thief is a novel about a young girl in Nazi Germany that has a love for words and books. her life is turned upside down when her brother dies in her arms on the way to their new foster home and her mother is never seen again.

Follow her as she fights to learn to read and get her hands on books while her family secretly opposes Hitler and his regime.

the book thief by Markus Z usak

The book thief is a novel about a young girl in Nazi Germany that has a love for words and books. her life is turned upside down when her brother dies in her arms on the way to their new foster home and her mother is never seen again.

Follow her as she fights to learn to read and get her hands on books while her family secretly opposes Hitler and his regime.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Cat Behavior Answer Book by Arden Moore

           The Cat Behavior Answer Book by Arden Moore is a very good easy going Q&A book.
           This book is filled with all kinds of questions people have about their crazy felines.
It has cat-egorys ranging from "Chatting with Your Cat" to "Kitty Quirks and Funny Felines". Arden Moore is a very experienced pet owner and gives excellent advice.
           I suggest this book to anybody who loves cats and wants to learn how to take better care of theirs.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

The Shining by Stephen King

The Shining by Stephen King is about a boy named Danny Torrance. His Father Jack Torrance gets a job at this hotel where this man killed his whole family. Danny has this friend named Tony who can tell the future. Tony shows him what happens if he goes to the hotel and then he doesn't wanna go. Later in the book Jack starts having these nightmares about killing his family just like the man who killed his wife and his twin daughters. This book will have you at the edge of your seat. I recommend this book for people who like Scary books

The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann

          The Unwanteds by Lisa McMann is great and suspense novel.
          The book is about a land called Quill were creativity is illigal and punishable by death. Two twin brothers Alex and Aaron are split up at the Purge, and while Alex expected death he was welcomed by a magician named Mr. Today who controse the magical land of Artime were creativity is considered a gift, not a crime.
          I recommend this book to a anyone who enjoys suspenseful page turning fantasy novels.

What My Momma Left Me by Renee Watson

What My Momma Left Me by Renee Watson is about a girl named Serenity Evans and her little brother Danny who lives with their grandparents because their mom died and their dad had left. Their mom and dad would get into arguments and he would leave the house after them. Serenity likes to cook or bake. Danny likes to play video games. Some parts can be happy and some parts could be very sad. I recommend this book for people who likes Depressing books

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Boy who Harnessed the Wind - Bryan Mealer and William Kamkwamba

      The Boy who Harnessed the Wind is a true story of a boy growing up in Malawi on a maize farm, like most of the county when an enormous flood hits followed by a dry and long drought. farms are dying and as the family loses money they have to take their kids out of school leaving young William Kamkwamba to create his own education. he manages to convince his friends to help him with his plan to save his family.
     This book is inspiring and breath taking, I didn't even think it was possible until in the middle of the book there are pictures that prove it, it really is an amazing book, and thats coming from someone that hates non-fiction

A Mango Shaped Space

By Wendy Mass
       A Mango Shaped Space, by Wendy Mass, is about a girl named Mia who sees a life in color.   Numbers, letters, and sound each have their own color but only she knows this. As she gets older her secret is revealed and she has to choose between embracing or hiding her gift which is called synesthesia. Mango is the name of her beloved cat that helps her deal with her problems. One theme I got out of the book is that you don't realize that how amazing something is or how grateful you are until it is gone. 
       I would recommend this book to someone who likes young adult fiction with characters that come to life. This book is connected to another book, Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. They are similar because they are both about people who see the world differently. Both authors describe a character that takes something that may seem bad but ends up good in the end.

The Martian, by Andy Wier

The Martian
Andy Weir

This book was based on a scenario of a Mars mission going wrong. Astronaut Mark Watney was struck by a sharp cable during a meteor shower and his crew left him for dead and alone on Mars with no way to escape and limited supplies. Astronaut Mark Watney continually used all of his science knowledge to survive. For example, he used his and the rest of the other astronauts’ waste as fertiliser in his hab to grow potatoes. Despite all odds his crew came back to rescue him in a brave and daring escape which had a mid-space full-speed pick up. There is constant suspense throughout the book to see if he will make it back alive to earth.

The main portion of the book is about his survival on mars and him overcoming challenges.There  really were only two main characters and only one was human. Mark Watney, or as he called himself the “Martian,” had a kindergartener sense of humor, but had lots of skill which helped him survive on Mars. The only other true character  was his environment; it was never in his favor. For example, either it was 100 degrees above or 100 degrees below, there were constant meteor showers or 70 mile per hour gusts and Mars never gave him the upper hand.

This book connected to me because I enjoy learning tricks to survive in impossible situations.This book would constantly add comedy which kept the story moving .  I would recommend this book to someone who loves suspense, science and some comedy.

How To Speak Cat by Aline Alexander Newman and Gary Weitzman, D.V.M.

          How To Speak Cat  by Aline Alexander Newman and Gary Weitzman, D.V.M. is a wonderful and light-hearted non-fiction book.
          The book is all about how to communicate and build a better relationship with your cat. The book is divided into different sections by using silly names that correspond to cat and how to tell what your cat is saying when it is using its whole body. It also has ways to help change behavioral problems. Plus, it has fun quizzes so you can remember what you've learned, understand real scenarios, and have some fun.
          I think any cat lover would enjoy this interactive how to do book very very much, I sure did.

Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children

By Ransom Riggs

            Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs is a thrilling, moving, and suspenseful novel.
            The story takes place on a tiny island off the coast of Wales, Great Britain. After his grandfather dies, Jacob sets off on a journey to learn more about his grandfather's past. After traveling through a time loop, he meets the kids that his grandfather grew up with, and he learns the secret that his grandfather had kept his whole life. And Jacob realizes a power within himself that can protect him and the other kids from horrors that he could have never imagined. But danger is near, and Jacob must use his power, with the help of his new friends' powers, they can make the impossible happen.
             Between the pages of this mystery are photographs that go along with the story, which I found myself looking forward to with each page I turned. Two more books follow this one, the second one in the series (which I also much enjoyed) is called Hollow City, and the third one (also great) is called Library of Souls. In addition, the first book is now a MOVIE!!! You should definitely go see that, but first, read the book!


    One book I read this summer was called Panic by Sharon M. Draper. This book, I have been wanting to read since the fourth grade. But apparently according to my sister, I wasn't mature enough. But this summer, I was. And can I say one thing, I am sooooo glad I did not read this as a 4th grader.
     Panic, by Sharon M. Draper is about a girl named Diamond. Diamond is a ballerina. She knows she is good, but she never gets cast as a lead in her recitals. But one day in the mall, a strange handsome man gives her the opportunity of a lifetime. One she can't pass up. But this decision can take a toll on not only Diamond, but everyone around her. (Trust will)
      I recommend this book to mature people! Please! You are in for a shock!


By Mike Revell

             Stonebird by Mike Revell is a thought-provoking and intriguing story that we can all relate to. This book shows how you can overcome challenges by having faith and keeping an open mind.
             Liam, ten years old, and his family move to be closer to his grandmother who suffers from dementia. Liam has left behind almost everything he has ever known, and now he must find his way through a new school, a new neighborhood, and his grandmother's illness. He gets bullied at school, his mother is greatly depressed, and his sister is constantly sneaking out of the house to who knows where. But worst of all, he must face these challenges completely alone. Well, almost alone. One day while Liam is walking his dog, he discovers an old stone gargoyle in a rundown church, and it has the ability to come to life and act out stories that Liam imagines. But his grandmother is getting worse, and his family is struggling. the situation is dire. Is the gargoyle the only thing that can save Liam's family? Or will it tear apart and destroy his family altogether?
             This one-of-a-kind story shows how anyone can make it through a struggle with a heart full of hope. And if you've ever wondered how far a story can go, this is the book for you.

The Thing About Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin

I read the book "The Thing About Jellyfish" by Ali Benjamin this summer.  This book is about two girls and their friendship, but after one drowns, the other girl struggles to face her friend's death, while trying to figure out how she died.

Suzy the main character's life was great up until middle school, when Suzy and her best friend Franny slowly melted apart. After breaking up for the summer, Franny drowns in Maine, even though Suzy knew she was an excellent swimmer. That's when Suzy loses her friend for good and decides to shut herself away from the real world. During a school trip to the aquarium the next year, Suzy wanders into a jellyfish exhibit. Suzy is soon obsessed with the idea that Franny had been stung and killed by a jellyfish. She decides it is her mission to find out what happened to her long lost friend, Franny. In the end, Suzy realises that she has to accept the idea that her friend is gone, and even finding out what really happened to her won't change that she's dead.

Suzy faces middle school popularity, family drama, and friendship struggles throughout the book. I connected to this book because I've had some girl dramas of my own. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes complex characters.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

The Kane Chronicles: The Red Piramid

This is how it began.  Carter Kane who is with his father traveling the world was stopping to see his sister Sadie Kane and grandparents in which they only see once a year. He only sees her once a year because their mother passed away and Carter stayed with his dad and Sadie stayed with her grandparent in London. Anyway Carter Julius (dad) and Sadie meet up at Christmas and go on a private tour at the British Museum to see the Egypt exhibition there they go see the actual Rosetta stone and thats when things get weird. Sadie and Carter are asked to lock the tour guide in his office and then don't come back into the room he was in. Of course they did what Julius said  but only half way. They went back into the room. From there they watched as there dad released all the Egyptian gods. In the end Carter and Sadie got to do the "wonderful" job of hosting gods, they also witnessed there dad get taken from them right before there eyes. When they got back there uncle Amos used magic to have the police deport them to the United States of America. They were sent to the Brooklyn House to train were Carter had a dream that I am not going to talk about that sends Amos to the daut were He gets captured by Set and he has to host Set. The Brooklyn house explodes and they get led to the First Nome. There the are sent to Paris to get the book of Thoth which sends them to St. Louis Missouri. Thoth tells them that they need the feather of truth and Sets secret name. They get the feather of truth and the name then in Arizona they find the red pyramid which they teleport to Washington District of Colombia. and destroy the red pyramid and truse with Set

 I  recommend this book to people who like adventure and enjoy suspence. this book has it all.

Unwanteds the island of silence 

by Lisa Mcmann

            Alex Stowe and Aaron Stowe once brothers now enemies, Artime's gate is now opened and are abel to enter and exit when ever they want. One day MR. Today wanted to take a break and made Alex in charge of Artime, but MR. Today gone Artime began to get attacked by Aaron and his friends goes missing.

             This book is about magic, war , art , adventure,

 THE Unwanteds 

by Lisa Mcmann

             "The unwanteds" is a story that takes place in a small land called Quill. In Quill the people there thinks creativity as DANGEROUS. Once a year a purge would be held to kids and sorted in to three categories unwanted, necessary, and wanted, Alex Stowe and his twin brother Aaron Stowe stand in front of the purge, Alex a unwanted was sent to the death farm with other unwanteds, Aaron was sent to the the Wanted academy and they both get separated. At the death farm a man who's name MR. Today shows up in front of the unwanteds and tells them their creativity can turn in to magic. and welcomes them to Artime a school where they could learn magic and art, but Alex misses hi twin and uses his magic to see his brother but it all brings the to war.
                 This book is recommended to people who likes Art Magic and War.

Friday, September 2, 2016

  I am number four by Pitcus Lour: It's a story about a planet named Lorien, this planet was filled with superheroes and it was in danger, especially these 9 kids who are the protagonist.The leaders of the planet decided the 9 kids should go to  planet Earth ,where they would be protected from the Magadore. The Magadore are this people that want to kill everyone in Lorien and to take there powers and become extremely powerful.
Here's where number 4 and his protector Harris come in.They had to move a lot and change identities every time they moved because if not the Magadore would kill them. When they went to Florida they found number 6 who was one of the 9 kids that escaped Lorien. They came together to fight the Magadore but will they defeat them and go back to Lorien?
  I feel this book can connected to me because this book is about how to defend yourself from bad people and I can see my self doing that to. 
  I think who ever likes action and syfy they should defenetly read the book. I know that I would like to read this book again.

   A wrinkle in time by Madeline L'engle: It's a story  of a girl named Meg. A highshool girl who is transported on a adventure with her younger brother Charles and her  best friend Calvin,to find her missing father who had dissapear because he was hiding his special gift,who evil  people wanted for more power. 
  In this adventure she and her friends have to pass  special task to find her missing father,but will they manage to find him?
  I think this book can relate to the world because in the story her father went missing and in real life a person could go missing  and the people that are trying to find that missing person  would have to go through the same task to find him or her.
  I would recommend this  book to people who like to read adventure books and mistery. 

  The maze runner by James Pashner: It's a story about this boy named Thomas that one day wakes up in a lift box, not remembering anything. When he woke up  he was surrounded by strangers  who also didn't remember anything. When he got up he saw wall's surrounding him and asked whats behind the walls, Shank said it's a maze, no one can go behind those walls except the maze runners.
Few weeks had past and a girl came for the first time, also not remembering how and who she was, but she was holding a paper saying that she was the last one. After a few days since the girl came Thomas became a maze runner and wanted to leave this place and go back home, so  all of the survivers  except one followed Thomas and the other maze runner to where they thought the way out is,but when they got there the place was surrounded by monsters.  Will they defeat those monsters and get out of the maze? 
  I feel that this book connects to the world because in the book exist, obstacles and in the real world there are too,showing us that life is not easy.
  I would recommend this book to people who like action, I liked this book a lot it has plenty  of adventure and I would read this book again.

The Fault in our Stars

By: Mary Sperry 

           The Fault in our Stars by John Green is about a girl Hazel Grace, who has lung cancer. While she gets out of the house more she fall's in with in love a boy named  Augustus waters (Gus.) She introduces a book called "An Imperial affliction" to Gus and he loves the book as much as Hazel. Then Gus gets a life time opportunity to meet the author. He invites Hazel to go with him but even though they didn't imagine the trip to be like this they still have an adventure. 
          I would recommend this book to someone who likes sad romance books that make you want to know what is happening next. Also if you like it when you fall in love with the characters then I would red this book. 
          This book is connected to the world because it teaches you that everyone you meet  is fighting their own battles. 


Thursday, September 1, 2016

 The school for good and evil  
by Soman Chainani

                  The book "the school for good and evil" is a series up to book three, the story involve characters from different fairytales such as the fairy god mother from cinderella, or little red riding hood. This story is recommend to people who likes magic's and fantasy and long adventurer. The story is about two girls Agatha who the people in town hate, and Sophie who is loved by many people were kidnaped and brought to two schools one good one evil, but something was wrong Sophie was sent to school of evil and Agatha was sent to school of good. In the school they are learned  to make there own fairy, and they try to make their escape from the two schools.

Lord of the Flies by William Golding

This summer I read "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. This book is about a group of school boys who land on an unknown island after their plane has crashed, around the dawn of World War II.

The books opens with the boys meeting to discuss who will be their leader. Stranded, without any adults, fun and adventure are the only things on everyone's mind. Ralph, the main character and also the chief, feels responsible for the boys on the island and believes his father will come rescue them. He decides that keeping a fire going all the time that will alert passing ships. Jack, the antagonist, is obsessed with the ideas of hunting and violence. However, the forest accidentally burns down, a "littlun" (a younger boy) goes missing after warning the group of a so-called beast. A fight starts among the boys after a ship passes by when the fire's out. As the book goes on, the "littluns" have more and more nightmares about something in the woods and terror rises among the boys. Order falls, and the boys have to pick sides. Rescue or the hunt for the beast.

I connected to this book because it tells the lesson of the beast within us. This book also tells the story of young adults turning savage while explaining the scary side of human nature. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes horror or books with deep messages.