Monday, July 13, 2015

Ungifted by Gordan Korman- Delilah

Delilah Bellamy
Summer Homework
July 13, 2015

        "Ungifted," a novel told in alternating perspectives of characters all ages, is a lovable, fun story written by Gordon Korman. Donovan Curtis, school prankster who just can't resist the temptation to just touch that small little object accidentally causes wreckage in his middle school leaving everyone including the budget in disarray. When a mix up in the office causes Donovan to get sent to the Academy of Scholastic Distinction or the ASD on the other side of town, no one can believe it. The story goes on leaving Donovan to figure out for himself what he really was. The idea that he is really Ungifted lingers in his mind as he continues to fake out his teachers, friends and even parents while hiding from the truth about why he's here. When eventually secrets begin to unfold that no one can stop, each character realizes that something may have come out of the little tiny mistake after all. Each chapter is narrated by either Donovan himself, his friends, or even sometimes his teachers. This allows us as the reader to not only learn about one side of the story but perhaps discover answers to questions you may not have even known you had while reading from one person.
        Even though the plot of "Ungifted" may be one of a kind, its presence leads me to remember real life and how one might not feel exactly at home among others. Everyone has a place to belong, even if it takes some searching. Korman has managed to capture the struggle a middle schooler might have in realizing where he or she stands in terms of school, friends and ability. Donovan is a very relatable character who has his moments of glory, and regret as well. The switch between narrators also provides a new view once you feel like a change. This book is amusing and witty while also having a deeper meaning that someone around Donovans age might get. While I agree that this book would probably have a deeper connection to anyone struggling in middle school with similar problems, it also may touch anyones heart because of Kormans careful and hooking way of writing. Gordan Korman has yet again shared with us a success that I highly recommend for middle school ages.

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