Friday, July 10, 2015

goal! the dream begins

Goal! The Dream Begins 
By Robert Rigby

          I just finished reading a book titled Goal! The Dream Begins by Robert Rigby. I really liked this book because the two main characters, Santiago and Galvin Harris, made me feel that their story was true. This book takes place in Los Angeles and London, England and is about how even if you start off in life with nothing, it does not mean you will stay like that forever. Santiago and Galvin first met in Newcastle which was Santiago's first team.
         Santiago grew up in Los Angeles. It was very hard for Santiago and his family to have a good simple life. They did not have that much money at all so at the age of twelve Santiago had to start working to make a little money to live. Santiago's dad died when Santiago was already in England. Sadly, Santiago's younger brother saw the father die in front of his eyes. Santiago never went to school because when he was young, his dad told him not to. Later on when he grew up, he thought that school was a wast of time. He hardly ever hung-out with friends. Instead he would just go home, change, and go play soccer. I can connect to this book because I also play a lot of soccer in Brooklyn and Manhattan.

            I have a connection to another book which is very similar and it is titled Keeper By Mal Peet. Keeper also took place in England. It was about a man who was really good at goal keeping as a kid but never got noticed by scouts or coaches until he was 24. He later became world famous and one of the best goalies ever to play in history.

         I recommend Goal! to readers who like soccer and action that takes place in different parts of the world that they don't know much about. Also, I recommend this book to readers who like tough relationships between the characters and how great life is as a professional soccer player.  

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