Saturday, July 18, 2015

Athlete vs Mathlete- Double Dribble by W.C. Mack

Twins go into to a basketball team and they change the team a lot. They are so good at basketball. The team's winning streak goes on for a long time. In the end one of the twins get injured and the other one can't play with out him so he basically freezes on the court. In the end he gets better by practicing with one of the other twins that's the main character.

The connection from the book to real life is that the two main characters play on a basketball team and I want to play on a basketball team. I think I could never be like Dante Powers, the legend who scored over 30 points in a single game. Dante Powers is part of the book and he can make any shot from anywhere. I would recommend this book to somebody who can relate to either a sports geek or a math geek. One of the two main charecters of the book is a sports geek and one is a math geek. People like books they can relate to.

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