Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Name of this Book is Secret, by Pseudonymous Bosch

One of the books I read this summer is "The Name of this Book is Secret" by Pseudonymous Bosch. It's about two friends, Cass, a survivalist, and Max-Ernest, someone who can not stop talking. After finding a dead magician's diary they later find out that his death was no accident. Together they have to hunt down an evil woman called Ms. Mauvais, and rescue a friend from school. But little do they know they are becoming closer and closer to unraveling the secret, and the key to immortality. I found this book very interesting but also thought some parts were boring and unnecessary. Especially the parts when the narrator talks to the reader too much.
This book connects to the world because it reminds you no matter how old you are, or how many wrinkles you have, you are perfect the way you are! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes complex characters. Also, anyone who likes realistic fiction, a mystery, and a page turner!

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