Friday, June 24, 2016

Charlie Joe Jackson guide to Not reading

Jazmine Mcneil
June 24

 I had recently started reading this book called Charlie Joe Jackson guide to Not reading. This book is about a boy named Charlie Joe Jackson that did not like reading at all, he would just read the first and last chapter of the book... You are probably wondering how he get to the middle did he read it or did he not? the answer is no he paid his friend with ice-cream sandwiches and his friend would fill him in on the rest of the book. Charlie Joe Jackson friend would only really fill's him in on when he has to do a essay or something but if he doesn't have to do a easy then he will just read the back of the book just incase the teacher asked him whats the main idea of the book. Charlie Joe Jackson goes through so much drama just for a essay but eventually he gets the essay done with a B+ which is a good grade for him.

 I recommend this book for people that likes books that they can connect to and its an awesome book and if you like short chapters but almost 250 pages then this book will be perfect for you. Not many people have read it yet actually i don't think anyone has read it yet. If someone does read this book and loves it like i did and really does connect it then thats great...Bye

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