Thursday, June 25, 2015

This is Tommy's first post I know hot to log into our summer reading blog

watsup this is markel........................................
this is my beast post..

I'm a boss by keldaboss

First Blog

This is Izzy's first blog. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Gabe T.'s test post

This is Gabe T.'s first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Leroy's test post

This is Leroy. My blog is alive.
I know how to bring my blog to life.

Jelani That swag tho

This is Jelani's  first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Danah Test post

This is Danah"s first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog

Auden Wilson

This is Auden's first post

Nathaniel Nhambiu

Twinnyza test post

This is Twinnyza's first post. I know how to log into our summer reading blog.

Terrance Bobb

 This is Terrance's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog.

                 Hi, my name is Terrance and today i will be telling you about  my reading blog  I did for the summer. Today I read Chapter 8 and 9 of my favorite book: Shaquille O' Neal. I am so close to finishing the book. In chapter 8 of the book, it talked about  Shaquille's 2002 - 2004 season. It talked  first when Shaq had to get his big toe fixed after it was hurt. They performed surgery on Shaq's foot and  when Shaq came to his team, he found out that his team was good playing without him, but when Shaqille came, it started to go back to the rhythm it was before. Then in more games, the team Los Angeles Lakers ( which is Shaq's team) was able to win.In Chapter 9, It then talked about when suddenly, the team started to get even better. Yeah, that's it, I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I know. So Thank You.

                  Now today I am reading Chapter 10 of the book In Chapter 10, it firsts talks about that not only is Shaq famous for his basketball career, but is also famous when he is off the court. Appearing in movies, TV and video games. Throughout the 2005 - 2008 season, despite that was missing a few games, he finished with an average of 20.0 points and 9.2 rebounds. It even started to get even better for Shaq and the Heat team. Until it got real when Shaq suffered a knee injury and sat out 2 games., but the n returned but re- injured his knee.Then everything started to get good, then stuff started to get bad. After their rocky start, Miami finished the season with 40 wins and 42 losses better than expected. Since they won, Shaq fought that next year would be even better, but it wasn't. And it started to get worse. Plus, Heat started losing something, Shaq.

                         Now I'm at the final chapter of the book. And that is Chapter 10. It talks about Shaq's 2009 - 2010 season. It starts when Shaq joins the Cavaliers and  is able to play a really good game with his favorite player Lebron James. It started to get into a good game, until when Shaq had to see the team playing and winning when in the bench and while having a really hurt thumb. it turns out that player big Baby blocked the basketball from  Shaq, causing to wrench Shaq O' Neal 's thumb badly. It was found that the ligament had been torn. Shaq needed surgery and 8 or more weeks to recover. This  caused  him to be out for the rest of the season, but he came back strong and was able to have a better chance at winning. Since then, When Shaq and the  cavaliers won, 2010 was the year that Shaq retired from basketball, but was very thankful to all of the fans who have supported him throughout the years, the coaches and teachers who were teaching him how to be a better player at basketball, his family, friends and everyone else.

 That's the end of the blog of Shaquille O' Neal, hope you enjoyed. Thank You.






                                         Hey, Its me Terrance  and today I'm going to telling you the book called Holes. This is a very cool and amazing book and I've have read it before so today I am here to tell you about it. It firsts started when it first talked about the evil Camp Green Lake which used to have a lake but then it dried up which caused everything to go bad and it also caused the whole town to dry up and it caused this unbeleivable camp to form which the camp was for bad boys and if thyey kept on digging holes, then they were turn into a good boy. Since then, a person named Stanley Yelnats went to the camp in which he was handcuffed and went on a bus that was not air conditioned which caused Stanley to get really sweaty. Usually the reason why is because of him stealing these old sneakers which his family had found out and the police and he was arrested after the police seen him have it. Usually, Stanley came from a poor family which he had many Stanley Yelnats. His name is his from forward to backward because his last name is spelled backwards if you could recognized it. It was usually known that his family had bad luck because it was known that the first Stanley Yelnats went to the desert which he would have bad luck and he saw this lady which he had gave him a curse, at first he thought it was just a joke but it was known that him and his descendants would have bad luck for all eternity. It was very bad and plus he also had bad luck when he met this cowgirl which she would do bad stuff and she was doing something something bad to her which the good news, the guy survived but he was still cursed and he started having bad luck. Thats What happened to  Stanley Yelnats IV. The first on- e was Stanley Yelnats III. Thats how Stanley went to Camp Green Lake.

                          After staying on the bus for almost eight hours, he was finally at camp which were he finally got his handcuffs off which he was sweaty and his throat hurt really bad. He went in to the facility center which were he saw this guy with a cowboy hat with his legs up his desk When Stanley sat down the guy put his legs down. The guard who was behind Stanley which was the person who was leading Stanley to the building had said " That's a lot of sunflower seeds". Stanley saw the seeds and the guy on the desk said that he quit smoking. The guy stated that he used to smoke a pack a day and now he eats a sack of the seeds every week. He then lend Stanley clothes with a towel. Stanley then changed his clothes and then had his book bag that he could keep. The guy then said that his name was Mr. Sir which Stanley was pretty surprised that his name was Mr. Sir. Mr. Sir then led Stanley to the window where it showed these people in orange suits were carrying shovels. Mr. Sir stated that people would dig holes. The longer they take the more longer there day would lasts. He also stated that whoever  finishes firsts would have the rest of the day to themselves and if they found anything interesting in the dugged holes then they would report to one of the counselors. They also stated that lunch is that 4:30 which the reason why is because we want to start early so that way you dont get stuck in the hot  sun. Once Stanley went to the window, Mr. Sir asked " Do you see anything? " and Stanley said " No Mr. Sir" and then Mr. sir laughed like it was a joke. He then asked do you see anything else and laughed again and Stanley was like "no" and Mr. sir asked " No electric fence, anything?" then Stanley said "No". Then Mr. sir said that they dont need one and the reason why is because there is a 3 ft.ocean. Mr. Sir then said " you wanna go then go" and Stanley said No and didn't know what game Mr. Sir was playing. Stanley then left.

     After Stanley left,  He then left to go to his tent. In a group of tents, they were letters A,B,C,D and E. The first five letters were for the campers and E was for the counselors. While unpacking, he met his counselor Mr. Pendanski which was a name that no one was supposed to forget. Like Mr. pen , dance , key which was simple. He started talking to him for a while and then started meeting some of the counselors that had some weird nicknames. Like Squid, X- Ray, Magnet, Armpit and Zigzag. A guy called Barf  was supposed to come to camp but he was in the hospital. After Stanley met Mr. pendancekey, Stanley remembered when he met armpit and he called him by his real name Theodore, But he put stanley to the floor and said that his name was  not Thee - o - dore, his name was armpit. It was scary to Stanley but he wasnt terrfied. Stanley then met someone else, his name was Zero. at first he was confused why his name was Zero, but the reason why is he didnt know anything. Stanley felt bad for him.

                 After that happening, he then went to do some shoveling. When he went to get his shovel, the shovel was very heavy for Stanley's hands and when he was told what to do, he had found out that this was to make him turn into a good boy. the only thing that would make him finish is if he would find something and he would have to report it to Mr. Pendanski or Mr. Sir , so it looks like it would take Stanley a very long time to find something. When he started, the ground was very thick. So thick that the shovel was vibrating going into Stanley's wrist and rattling his bones. While thinking about the time and while digging, he was thinking about his great great grandfather named Elya Yelnats. When he was 15 years old,he fell in love  with a girl named Myra. Elya had a lot of feelings for her so he went to go talk to Myra's father which is because one of Elya's friends said that he should marry her. Once then, when he asked to Myra's father that he wants to give Myra something on her 15th birthday, Myra's father said that probally Elya should give him a big fat pig. When said, Elya went to Madame Meroney which by then he talked to her about the girl that he falled in love with and he has to give a fat pig to her and he told everything about her. Once then, madame M. gave Elya a task. She gave him a pig and told him that he had to climb on a mountain and on the top of the mountain was a stream and once he got to the top he had to give the pig the water and then sing a song to the pig and he must do it. she told him that the pig will get bigger and fatter. Then after that, the time before/after or the day after Myra's 15th birthday party, Elya would have to carry Madame M. and do the same thing that he would do to the pig. Elya promised he would do it but there was a consequence. If Elya did not do it he and his descendants would be cursed for all eternity.

                    In the rest of the book, Stanley must try to survive this fear of going through camp and all and helps others in  the camp and then things go good when the rain comes back and Stanley's parents come to camp to take him home and when he finds relief again. I feel like this book is really amazing and i love this book because it shares the toughness and survival that Stanley and others at Camp Green Lake were able to share and how there future m,ay be. It was an emotional book which got me in a a little bit of tears, like a little tiny bit. It was the most amzing books of all tim and I will never forget it. I also watch the movie which was amazing. I first started reading the book in a 2014 summer program in Winston Prep In Manhattan that I went to which I read with my worker and then I falled in love with the book. Since then, I watched the movie which I loved so much and then I stareted reading it sometime. I still love the book. Well thank you for seeing my blog and I hope I get to see evryone in 6th grade. Thank you


Aaron is lit on his test post

This is Aaron's first test post.

Nick Test Post

This is Nick's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Delilah's test post :)

This is Delilahs first post! I know how to log into our summer reading blog!

Amalia's First Post!

This is Amalia's first post! I know how to log in to our summer reading blog. Yay........

dexter test post

yay! First post!!!

Deanna Lansiquot

This is Deanna's first post. I know how to log in to our reading blog!

Luca's Post

       This is Luca's test post. I can Log in to our summer reading blog.

Frances' test post

This is Frances' first post.  I know how to log in to our summer reading blog.

Alex Test Post

This is Alex's first post. I know how to log into our summer reading blog!

Amarachi's Test Post

This is my test post. Yay.

Maya test post

this is my first post. 


This is Gabriel's first post. I'm a genius and i know how to log in to our summer reading blog! :)

Otis Test post

This is Otis's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Euron Edringtion test post

Test post Ronnies first post.

Preston test post

 ¨This is Preston's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!¨

Manoc test post

                      This is Manoc's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Ilka test post

This is Ilka's first post  I know how to log in for my summer reading blog.

Itai's test post

This is Itai's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Grace Test Post

Grace- This is my first post, I am able to use our blog for Summer Reading


              This is Liam's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Ella's test post

Macy's test post!

This is Macy! I know how to log into our summer reading blog!

Trevon!!$$ test post

This is Trevon first post  I know how to log in to our summer reading blog

Rex Test Post

This is Rex's first post. I know how to log in to our summer reading blog!

Trevon its the bro

malcolm test post

my name is malcolm i no how to blog on summer reading

Declan Test Post

This Is Declan's First Post. Declan Knows How To Log In

Itai's Blogger profile

hey , Im milk and cherios

ivory test post

I know how to log in to our summer reading blog !

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Abadai's test post - Lauren's test

Lauren's test post using student account.

**MODEL BLOG POST** Dante and Aristotle Discover the Secrets of the Universe

I just finished reading Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Alire Saenz. I loved this book. The book is about how friendship can evolve and change over time. The novel focuses on two main characters, Aristotle and Dante, and is written from the perspective of Aristotle. The novel takes place in the El Paso, Texas, and the two boys spend a lot of time outdoors in the stifling west Texas heat. Ari and Dante meet at the pool, and immediately bond over the fact that they’re both Mexican-American, and they both feel like misfits in their town. Their friendship grows and grows, and the two friends face many obstacles together as they grow into young men. Loyalty, betrayal, forgiveness, and honesty are major themes of this book.

I connect deeply with this book, as it perfectly describes how confusing and complex adolescence, and adolescent relationships, can be. Reading about Aristotle and Dante helped me reflect on my own friendships from that time in my life. I also related to Aristotle's relationship with his parents. When I was a teenager, my relationship to my parents was similar to Aristotle's relationship with his folks. Now that I'm an adult, that frustrating relationship we had feels like it was a long time ago. That said, this book brought me right back to those times, and made me smile as I remembered those days. I recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about complex characters, or who might want to read about life in a different part of the country. I'd also recommend this book for students who are interested in reading about how frustrating, but also how amazing, friendship can be for a teenager.

Sample Book Review

(insert sample here)